Printed World, 2023 ~

Eyes on you, 2024
His Watch, 2024
Theft, 2024
Mom, 2024
Hand Down, 2024
Boy Crying, 2024
Half-Faced, 2024
She was about to take her mouth off, 2024
Interlaced Eye Ball, 2024
Give Me Some Time, 2024
Caution, Mouth Opened, 2024
Boy Who Shot, 2024
Girl Who Was Shot, 2024
When I First Saw You, 2024
The Moment Before Touching, 2024
What Is Going On, 2023
Loneliness and Doubt, 2023
Where Should We Go, 2023
You Stepped On My Covered Head, 2024
That day, It was calmly snowy., 2024
Pulling Lips, 2024
Orange Profile, 2024
Looking Down, 2024